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Man with Amputee Girlfriend on Beach

 Life's not over....

        it's just different  

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Basketball Player on Wheenchair

“Will I ever be able to walk again?”


Nobody wants to find themselves having to

ask this question;

yet there are over 500 amputations

performed every day in the United States.

With today’s modern physical and occupational therapy options, the answer is...YES

this treatment comes at a price that many new amputees can’t meet, due to associated medical costs, the cost of a prosthesis, or loss of income.


If they try learning on their own, the result is frustration. They give up…putting their new prosthetic device away…and choosing a less mobile option

like crutches or a wheelchair.

Their independence declines,

and their confidence dwindles.  

Walk Again?
Therapy Benefits Anchor

That’s why Abled Amputees of America, a company founded in 2013 to inspire, support and educate amputees is excited to now have a new sector in the organization, a 501(c)(3) non-profit designation which will be called

The Abled Amputees Foundation.


We are now able to stand in the gap to raise funds and help remove

the financial burden of this critical therapy.


With your help, we can get amputees walking again.

Medicaid services don’t cover physical therapy in many states. The average cost of a private pay therapy visit is $150, and doctors recommend at least 6 to 10 visits for amputees with a new below the knee prosthesis.

This quickly adds up to at least $900
— and this is where we can make a meaningful difference.


Can you help?

Make your tax-deductible donation today,  contact us to ask questions, or learn how you can commit to support a specific number of amputees obtain a higher quality of life through physical and occupational therapy!​

Why we formed

The Mission

To make outpatient physical and occupational therapy possible for amputees needing financial support, while promoting wellness in body, mind and spirit. 


Corporate Sponsors and Affiliates

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Life's not over...

          it's just different


Site Map

Abled Amputees of America is a National 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization 

For Donations, Tax Identification number: 85-2497177​

We're on Guidestar, the world's largest source of information on nonprofit organizations.
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Abled Amputees of America is Doing Business As The Abled Amputees Foundation.

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No part of this electronic publication/website may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the Abled Amputees of America

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